Well I'm just going to talk about how my day went.
I was pretty much lazy today&& had nothing to do so I experemented with my pictures.
I entertained myself cause I took some pretty weird ones.(x
Picture #1:
As you can see I was not very creative. -_-But I did smile for you guys.(: |
Picture #2:
This one was one of my FAILS. Ahas I couldn't make a heart soooo I picture edited a heart.<3 |
Picture #3:
Falalala!. My favorite one cause this one actually looks pretty good. I'm a pro huhh.^^....not. |
Well other than taking pictures of myself being a total camera whore. I did go out!.
&& I took a picture too(:
I used my phone to take this picture sorry for bad quality. -_- |
Looks yummy huhhh.(: Butttttt not so much. I got it cause it looked pretty cute since it was pink&& all. && what girl dousn't like pink?. It's sherbet. I usually like that flavor but this one was just too sour for me but if you like sour then hey this is the ice cream that's right for you.(; All I can do is look at how cute it looks thinking it's yummy.<3