Saturday, July 2, 2011

Random Post.(:

This is sooo random buttt I needa blog. I just feel like I need to. xD
This post is going to have soo many pictures....ish 0.o The pictures are taken by my phone sooo yeashhh it's bad quality.
Starting Now....
Introducing Conan!. Isn't he cute.(: He's actually much fluffier than this. Only because my Uncle Rod gave him a haircut...shaved mostly. This is nonfluffy Conan.(:
Fluffy Conan!.(: The reason why he has that cone is cause he got a wound&& he kept on scratching on it. He looks cute with it on tho.(: LOl;; that's my Uncle Travis&& his hairy legs. >.>
Oh&& the other day I was at Sams Club&& I these flowers caught my eye. It was the brightest one outa the bunch. It was super pretty so I just had to take a picture of it. 

Does anyone know what type of flowers this is?.
Woww I thought there were more pictures. X.X Atleast it's not a long blog post.(: 
Thanks for reading.<3 


  1. soooo cute !<3

  2. This is the best thing you could have delivered to your readers. Believe me, I enjoyed every bit of it.

  3. I love your blog! :)
    I have awarded you:

    Enjoy! ♥

  4. Conan is so adorable <3 ^^

    Love Christine ♥


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